Eye of the Toddler: Using Your Kids to Stay in Shape

Eye of the Toddler: Using Your Kids to Stay in Shape

Kids are stress-inducing.

Unfortunately, they’re also time-consuming, which makes it difficult to alleviate your stress, and stay healthy, via the time-tested method of exercise. If you don’t have time, you probably aren’t going to bother shelling out for a gym membership you’ll rarely use. And good luck with trying to use that treadmill you bought during his nap; if there’s a louder piece of equipment this side of the drum-kit my in-laws bought my son, I haven’t come across it.

What’s a parent to do?!

Don’t fret; I have a solution! Like Rocky in Siberia (actually, it was filmed in Krasnogourbinsk, but come on), you have to work with what you’ve got. In this case, what you’ve got are kids.

Luckily, they’re even better than a Bowflex!

Read more about Eye of the Toddler: Using Your Kids to Stay in Shape

Zombie Post: Pain Banishment

Zombie Post: Pain Banishment

Yesterday’s post, about teaching my son not to overreact when he’s disappointed, or startled, or gets hurt, reminded me of how far he’s come. A year ago, I wrote about how poorly the kid handled pain. He was just learning to walk then, and he was falling a lot. He’s a lot more mobile now,Read more about Zombie Post: Pain Banishment[…]

In Defense of “Texting While Parenting”

In Defense of “Texting While Parenting”

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the texting habits of parents. The tenor of the conversations is mostly negative, and a lot of words have been spent excoriating parents for using their phones when they should be watching their kids.

I think we’re all guilty of it, to some extent. And sure, sometimes texting while parenting is dangerous and irresponsible, and sometimes it’s neglectful, and sometimes it’s rude.

But sometimes it’s also necessary. And it’s not always wrong.

Read more about In Defense of “Texting While Parenting”
