CES-capades: Part 1

CES-capades: Part 1

Losing my Vegas virginity and my CES virginity on the same trip may not have been the best idea. There is a lot to take in.

Everything is just…big. Any by “everything” I mean the Strip, the conference itself, the casinos, the hotels, the crowds…the only thing that’s not big is the dividing line between the glamour of this town, artificial as it is, and the grunge that lies beneath, between and behind it. That line is razor-thin, as the walk from my hotel to the convention center made abundantly clear: from high-priced strip clubs to low-rent strip malls. But everything else? Big.

Of course, thanks to CES, that “everything” also includes the latest and greatest in technology, and I’ve seen a bunch of it.

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Driver’s Nuisance

Driver’s Nuisance

You may have noticed that the blog has been a bit quiet lately. That’s because my life has been so loud.

The past few weeks have seen me, Mom and Buried, Detective Munch finally make the dreaded highly anticipated move down to Raleigh, North Carolina. First our bodies, then our belongings made their way below the Mason-Dixon.

We aren’t even close to settled-in, and so I have hardly been able to begin dealing with the culture shock that comes with a move from the northeast to the midsouth.

Especially since I was already forced to visit the DMV.

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Zombie Post: Hell in a Carseat

Zombie Post: Hell in a Carseat

This weekend, we decided to go on a getaway up to Maine. Leaving from CT, where we borrowed my parents car, it’s about six hours each way. Maybe we’re trying to cram in as much New England as possible before we head down south. Maybe we just want to get a taste of all theRead more about Zombie Post: Hell in a Carseat[…]

Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Things got serious this week.

The assignment was to present our take on a hot news topic. My choice, like most of the others, doesn’t easily lend itself to comedy. So I got real on your asses and laid out my opinion on the same-sex issue that has been dividing the country for years.

It’s become more personal to me since I had my son and will be even more relevant now that we’re moving to North Carolina, a state where the fight for equality has some real obstacles.

Like Amendment One.

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