Fifty Shades of Parenting
I am not totally against the idea of corporal punishment.
But if my kid swats at my face one more time, I am totally putting him in time-out!
I am not totally against the idea of corporal punishment.
But if my kid swats at my face one more time, I am totally putting him in time-out!
Marriage is tough. When you have kids, it gets even tougher. You think you know your spouse inside and out, and then out of nowhere she tells you she is anti-spanking. Even after reading “Fifty Shades of Grey”!*
Dr. Phil would (probably) tell you that communication is the cornerstone of any successful marriage. With children around, communication becomes even more important, because parenting is not only the most significant duty you’ll ever (mostly hate) performing, it is also a team sport. If you’re not on the same page with your spouse it can lead to disaster, both for your kids and for your marriage.
Fortunately, while having kids makes communication more important, it also makes communication a lot easier. Just as long as you don’t mind being a passive-aggressive dick.
When I was a kid, I used to read the funny papers every morning. I loved “Garfield” (for some reason), as well as “The Far Side” and a few others. There was a brief period when I followed “Rose is Rose,” which was a light-hearted strip about a couple and their new baby.
Here’s why, from Wikipedia: From the comic’s debut in 1984 until the strip published on 9 August 1991, the character of Pasquale spoke only in a ‘phonetic baby talk.’
It was fun to try and decipher what the kid in the strip was saying, kind of like when I was in high school and helped my friend decipher Rush lyrics. It was a game. Now, suddenly, my life is like that comic strip, except it’s a little less fun.
And hopefully my son’s baby talk phase won’t last seven years.
This past weekend, my nine-month-old son and my 101-year-old grandmother met for the first time.
Both of them immediately forgot the event.
This is admittedly amazing and ridiculous, but I barely have time to set my DVR, let alone watch anything on it or build an intricate toothpick sculpture. More power to him. See close-ups here.