Thanks For Leaving Dads Out of This One!

Thanks For Leaving Dads Out of This One!

My wife often gets sad when she thinks about how fast Detective Munch is growing up. She’s not alone.

Many parents have anxiety about this, and it’s not just moms. But it is especially moms, at least in my house. And I imagine it will only get worse for Mom and Buried when our son enters puberty and starts having eyes for women other than her.

So it’s not surprising that Old Spice would play on moms’ fears, as they do in their latest commercial, “Mom Song”.

What is surprising is how terrifying the resulting commercial is. And how much scarier it could have been.

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Merry Christmas, Dads!

Merry Christmas, Dads!

Whenever I get down about my performance as a dad, all I need to do is take a quick run around the Internet until I find a video like this, and my spirits are immediately lifted.

I’ll bet it’ll have even you semi-decent, borderline-involved dads out there feeling better about your own shitty parenting in no time.

Merry Christmas!

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Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

I guess I’m not the same as most dads. Or most dad-bloggers.

I’m a member of the Facebook Dadbloggers community (come and join us!), and through it I’ve met a lot of great dads, some with blogs big, some with blogs small, some with no blogs at all! (Seriously. There’s a guy.) I get along with all of them, give or take, but I’m not the most vocal member of the group.

I think that’s because my sensibility is a little bit different. For example, I enjoyed the following video.

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Zombie Video: It’s Not a Tumor

Zombie Video: It’s Not a Tumor

On Thanksgiving weekend two years ago, my brother captured a video of my son pretending to talk on a cell phone.

It went a little viral – was even aired on “The Today Show” – and got this site its first real attention. Today I thought I’d repost the video – and its companion. Because my son is really good at pretending to talk on the phone and you deserve two versions of it on this long holiday weekend.

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The Meme Police

The Meme Police

Two years ago, I took a video of my son pretending to talk on a cell phone. I posted the video on YouTube and it went viral. Not “Charlie Bit My Finger” viral, but it got almost a million views in the first week and was even aired on “The Today Show”.

It was the early days of my blog, and it was the first big burst of attention I received. It was very exciting, and a little weird. Mom and Buried was worried about exploiting Detective Munch and I was worried we weren’t exploiting him enough.

Turns out I was right, as the furor quickly died down and Dad and Buried faded back into obscurity along with the video…


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