(Driving Me) Mad Skills

(Driving Me) Mad Skills

My son is closing in on his third birthday, and he seems to be developing at an astonishing rate.

I’m not much for tracking development via checkpoints and milestones, but hardly more than a day goes by that I’m not impressed by something he says or does.

Unfortunately, not every ability he acquires is something to write home about. He’s good at a lot of things, but some of the things he’s good at are bad.

Read more about (Driving Me) Mad Skills

Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Oh happy day!

My son performed his first successful poop in the potty this morning, and I wanted to share the proud moment with all of my blog readers.

It’s only right that you should experience this along with me, and share in my triumph.

Thanks for making the image on the next page possible!

Read more about Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Zombie Post: Happy Easter

Zombie Post: Happy Easter

I couldn’t let Easter Sunday, the day Zombie Jesus arose from his grave!, go by without a zombie post. And, since one of those posts is merely a photo, you get two! It’s an Easter miracle! The post with some actual content is two years old, and it’s all about a young girl’s attempt atRead more about Zombie Post: Happy Easter[…]
