How to Train Your Baby

How to Train Your Baby

We leave for a trip in two days. With my baby. I don’t know why either.

My son is going to hit the eight-month mark while we’re on vacation in Ireland. I’m pretty nervous about my son’s first plane ride. Nervous and scared. Mostly that another passenger will get so pissed about my unruly child that he’ll yell at my wife and things will get physical. You know, valid concerns.

We’ve gotten some tips for flying with a baby, things like: try Benadryl, and bring a new toy to distract and confuse him with its newness, distribute pre-emptive goody bags, etc. And we may or may not try these. But there’s one thing we’ve been trying already – conditioning my son for what he’s about to experience, in order to make it easier on both him and ourselves.

I wrote a list about how to train your baby – for vacation and for life.

Read more about How to Train Your Baby

They All Look the Same To Me

They All Look the Same To Me

So we recently booked a trip to Ireland, the wife and I.

And we’re bringing the baby.

Calm down. I said calm down! Unless you’re booked on the same flights we’re on, I don’t want to hear any whining. I do want to hear any tips you might have about stuff to do in Ireland and your advice on traveling with an infant, so long as it’s not just “don’t.”

Planning a trip is hard enough without the parenting police chiming in. Planning a trip requires a lot of…planning. And even more when you’re dragging and infant along.

Including securing the proper documentation…

Read more about They All Look the Same To Me
