You Only Live Once

You Only Live Once

I’ve seen some pretty stupid articles on the internet. Like the one about Frozen having a gay agenda. Or the one about Obama being a Muslim. Or the one about Andy’s mom having once been a child. YEAH RIGHT.

But nothing is as stupid as this one. Sorry, this one. It was on HuffPo the other day (I post on there!), and it’s about how to tell if your kid was reincarnated.

As most people know, there’s no such thing as reincarnation. As most parents know, the only person their kid is a reincarnation of is Mommy or Daddy. And apparently maybe Hitler.

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Link Envy: “True Detective” Conversations

Link Envy: “True Detective” Conversations

So I’ve become relatively obsessed with HBO’s “True Detective”. I got on the bandwagon a little bit late, but after spending the past week catching up on the season, I won’t be hopping off of it anytime soon.

The term “link envy” implies that I wish I had created the site to which I’m linking, and while I guess that’s kind of true for this one, I’m mostly just glad someone else did. Because it’s hilarious.

Even if there are only a few entries, every one is gold. Especially this one.

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10 Ways Parenting is Like the Olympics

10 Ways Parenting is Like the Olympics

Raising kids often feels like a contact sport. Or an endurance test. Or both. It’s actually more like 50 different sports all wrapped up in one. In short, it’s like the Olympics.

Maybe it’s not cross-country skiing, and it’s definitely not a biathlon (guns don’t kill people, terrible gun laws that allow people to easily kill other people with guns kill people), but it’s certainly something of a marathon. It might even be curling, but I don’t understand curling, so we’re sticking with marathon, and maybe some ice dancing (I don’t understand that either).

I’ve never participated in the Olympic games, but I have seen them on TV. A lot. They’re always on. And after years of being a spectator, I’ve come to the conclusion that the Olympics aren’t that different from having kids.

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Zombie Post: Jumping Through Rings

Zombie Post: Jumping Through Rings

Just when you thought it was safe to turn on NBC, the Olympics are back. Again. I swear, ever since they started alternating the Winter and Summer games, it seems like they’re always on, or almost on, or were just on. They’re fine. Some of the sports are great. If there’s a real story –Read more about Zombie Post: Jumping Through Rings[…]

Kids Change Your Perspective

Kids Change Your Perspective

Having kids changes your outlook on tons of things, some big, some small. For the most part, it’s positive. Life becomes better and more interesting, things you’ve long taken for granted are suddenly seen in a new light; that’s exciting and fun.

But kids are pretty stupid. And while their innocence can be refreshing, their ignorance is simply astounding. So for every aspect of life you appreciate anew when you view it through the eyes of your developing child, there are thirty mundane things that you had been ignoring on purpose that are suddenly thrust back into your life. Soon you find yourself focusing on things you’d stopped wasting time thinking about long ago.

Having children both expands and corrupts every aspect of your life. Kids change your perspective, and suddenly things that shouldn’t be important are, and things you used to enjoy without a second thought become minefields.

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