I’ll be traveling (drinking) and shopping (drinking) and hanging out with family (drinking) for the next few days, so not sure I’ll be able to post a lot of content.

To help cover the gap, I thought I’d share the family Christmas card. Don’t worry, it’s not an obnoxiously boastful video promoting my new business. It IS a picture of my son.

Yeah, I know: WHO CARES?

Read more about MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Merry Christmas, Dads!

Merry Christmas, Dads!

Whenever I get down about my performance as a dad, all I need to do is take a quick run around the Internet until I find a video like this, and my spirits are immediately lifted.

I’ll bet it’ll have even you semi-decent, borderline-involved dads out there feeling better about your own shitty parenting in no time.

Merry Christmas!

Read more about Merry Christmas, Dads!

Christmas Shift

Christmas Shift

Is there anything more annoying than asking your parents what they want for Christmas and hearing them say, “For you and your brothers to get along”?

Yes, there is. Asking them what they want for Christmas and hearing them say, “Nothing.”

Even more annoying? Asking your kid what he wants for Christmas and not being to hear anything over the ensuing filibuster. Seriously, I just walked out of the room and I can still hear my three-year-old rattling off items from his list.

Kids want everything, adults want nothing. Thankfully, when you have children of your own, it kind of balances out.

Read more about Christmas Shift

The Parents’ Passive-Aggressive Holiday Gift Guide

The Parents’ Passive-Aggressive Holiday Gift Guide

As you know, I have a son. He’s three years old and I love him to death. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me that I occasionally wish had never happened to me.

This Christmas is the first time he really, truly gets it, to the point that he actively flips through circulars and points at the toys he wants added to his list (two years ago I wrote about the gifts he won’t be getting). We’re going to give him a good Christmas, and he’ll get more than he needs, much more than he deserves, and nowhere near as much as he wants.

All I want in return is a smile and some laughter and a lot less screaming. And, because I’m petty and small, I wouldn’t mind if he experienced a little bit of the frustration that the holiday season brings me.

With that in mind, I put together a list of items you can get for your young children that will give you as much joy as Christmas gives them by giving them as much aggravation as your kids sometimes give you.

Read more about The Parents’ Passive-Aggressive Holiday Gift Guide

Speaking of Toys…

Speaking of Toys…

Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time whining about all the toys my son got for Christmas. Mostly I’m just jealous. But no worries, ’cause now it’s my turn! Today I head to Las Vegas (my first time!) to visit the Consumer Electronics Show. My visit has been sponsored by Lenovo, so expect someRead more about Speaking of Toys…[…]
