Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Things got serious this week.

The assignment was to present our take on a hot news topic. My choice, like most of the others, doesn’t easily lend itself to comedy. So I got real on your asses and laid out my opinion on the same-sex issue that has been dividing the country for years.

It’s become more personal to me since I had my son and will be even more relevant now that we’re moving to North Carolina, a state where the fight for equality has some real obstacles.

Like Amendment One.

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Stay-at-home Cad

Stay-at-home Cad

Everyone has been talking about stay-at-home dads.

Over the past decade or so, the amount of dads staying home to take care of the kids while their wives go off to work has gone up 78%, according to Census Bureau data reported in a recent article by the Wall Street Journal.

Some people are touting this as a kind of sea change, but I don’t care if it’s “the new normal” or a changing paradigm or some X-Men-style evolution. I’ve spent the better part of a year as a stay-at-home dad (SAHD), and I don’t like it.

Read more about Stay-at-home Cad

Feeding Frenzy

Feeding Frenzy

It’s so much easier to be fat.

Okay, maybe it’s not easier to actually BE fat. But it’s definitely easier to GET fat.

And it’s a definitely piece of cake (or three) to let your kids get fat. Feeding them is headache enough even when it’s food they like, but you start putting nutrition into the mix and it becomes [insert hilarious Hunger Games reference here].

It’s so much easier to just let him have the damn french fries again.

Read more about Feeding Frenzy

What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean For My Son?

What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean For My Son?

My son is not yet two years old, and as we haven’t had him tested yet, we can’t know if he’s got the gay or not. But we can guess.

He loves to dance. He enjoys wrapping scarves around his neck and playing with my wife’s makeup kit. He’s really into stuffed animals and has long eyelashes.

The writing is on the wall.

Read more about What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean For My Son?
