How to Be a Funny Parent on Twitter

How to Be a Funny Parent on Twitter

There are thousands of hilarious parents on Twitter. Of all stripes.

Many of them are featured in the Big Book of Parenting Tweets, and I am flattered to have been selected alongside so many funny moms and dads (I’m in the brand-new sequel too!). There are stay-at-home dads, working moms, gay dads, single moms, goofy dads, nerd moms, asshole dads (that’s me!), etc.

Aside from being parents, about the only thing we all have in common is our constant drinking. Which, of course, is one of the key steps towards being a funny parent on Twitter.

Read more about How to Be a Funny Parent on Twitter

The Story of My Life

The Story of My Life

Most parent bloggers have a gimmick, even if we don’t call it one or think of it that way.

Maybe you’re the “creative dad” or the “do-it-yourself dad” or the “sensitive dad” or the “tattooed mom” or “the vodka-drinking mom” or the “traveling mom”. Or maybe you filter every parenting experience through an “I’m a gay parent” or “I’m a single mom” or “I’m a stay-at-home dad” or “I have twins.” We all have a hook. I’m no exception.

Of course we do! With so many of us churning out post after post on the same handful of topics – say what you will about how unique your kid is or how groundbreaking your parenting style is, we’re all faced with the same issues and we all celebrate the same milestones – we need some kind of hook. Without them we’ll float away.

But does there come a point when our blogs, and even our lives, become so weighed down by the manufacturing of these moments, by constantly feeding these hooks, that it becomes detrimental? Are we straining so hard for attention that our lives are becoming artificial?

Read more about The Story of My Life

Don’t STFU, Blog

Don’t STFU, Blog

With 1.5 million views a month, I could easily assume that you’ve already heard of STFU, Parents. Besides, you’re reading this so-called parenting blog…though it’s not exactly the same thing.

If you haven’t heard of it, no worries; you’re about to. Partially because the author just shed her anonymity and is making a media tour of sorts, and partially because I am telling you about it right now. The about page describes STFU, Parents as a “submission-based “public service” blog that mocks parent overshare on social networking sites.”

Consider this a public service announcement.

Read more about Don’t STFU, Blog
