My Most Popular Images of 2014

My Most Popular Images of 2014

This was a pretty good year for my blog. Nothing really went viral, and I’m not famous yet, but I managed a steady output of posts, and I even managed some decent “Wordless Wednesday” images and ecards.

Today, being Worldless Wednesday, I figured I’d share the ten most popular images – including some custom ecards and a bunch of rudimentary charts and graphs and stuff. I stress “rudimentary” as I’m no artist.

But I hope some of these made you laugh.

Enjoy, and I’ll be back tomorrow with my top 10 most popular posts of the last year!

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Parenting Reward Chart

Parenting Reward Chart

A few days ago, we procured a reward chart for our son.

The hope is that by incentivizing his behavior we can train Detective Munch into a decent, reasonable person instead of the feral four-year-old he currently is. Our typical repertoire of threats is neither working nor healthy (nor really stopping because I’m terrible at this new “reward” method!)

So far, it’s been going okay. If he brushes his teeth (without a fight), or goes to bed (without a fight), or eats his dinner (without a fight), or gets dressed for school (without a fight), he can earn rewards like dessert, and TV, and not getting yelled at by a dad who is at the end of his rope.

It got me thinking about what a chart for parents would look like. So I made one.

Read more about Parenting Reward Chart
