Dad of No Trades

Dad of No Trades

This morning Detective Munch handed me an old iPod he’d been playing with and asked me to fix it. I told him I couldn’t, and he wanted to know why.

“You fix my trains!”
“Why can’t you fix this?”

This doesn’t offend me; he’s only three. Plus, iPods aren’t exactly the easiest devices to dissect and MacGyver back to life. But “fixing” his trains mostly involves replacing the batteries, and the truth is he could ask me to fix almost anything and I’d be at a loss. I’m not a handy man.

A common male stereotype is that men can fix things. Kids expect dads to fix things. But – unless you count breakfast, which, don’t, because I can’t even make decent pancakes – I can’t fix shit.

Am I failing my son?

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The Secret Villains of FROZEN

The Secret Villains of FROZEN

Like tons of little kids this winter, my son loves Frozen.

Until recently, he’d never been to a movie theater. But he’s shown the attention to span to watch full movies at home (the usual Pixar suspects, and The Polar Express, which he’s still talking about two months after Christmas, because trains + Christmas = little boy heroin), and since we’d been hearing such great things about it, we decided to take him to see the new Disney flick. (The Wolf of Wall Street was sold out.)

A month later, Frozen has seized favorite-movie status Tom Hanks’ dead-eyed motion-capture debacle, and “Let It Go” has joined “(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party!)” as one of Detective Munch’s favorite songs (also on the list: “Royals” and “No Sleep ‘Til Brooklyn”).

I’ll probably be watching this movie for years to come. I’d better get something off my chest first.

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The Dark Side of Parenting

The Dark Side of Parenting

In the comments of a recent post, a dad blogger friend (Neal Call, at the awesome Raised By My Daughter. There’s cartoons!) wrote the following:

“Such an irritating truth: that I desperately await those unlikely moment of quiet in the day, and then once they arrive, all I can think about is small dead things.”

Hmm. Morbid much? And yet I know exactly what he means.

Since I’ve become a dad, all day I dream about death.

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A Lovey-Hate Relationship

A Lovey-Hate Relationship

I only have one kid – on purpose! – so why do I feel like I have several?

Oh, right: MY KID HAS A LOVEY.

It’s a little mini-blanket with a lion head on the top of it, and my son snuggles with it all day long. At first, it was cute: “Oh, look at how much he loves his lovey lion! It’s his best friend! ADORABLE!” Soon, it got too serious to be cute. Now my son can barely function without the thing.

And I hate it.

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Thanks For Leaving Dads Out of This One!

Thanks For Leaving Dads Out of This One!

My wife often gets sad when she thinks about how fast Detective Munch is growing up. She’s not alone.

Many parents have anxiety about this, and it’s not just moms. But it is especially moms, at least in my house. And I imagine it will only get worse for Mom and Buried when our son enters puberty and starts having eyes for women other than her.

So it’s not surprising that Old Spice would play on moms’ fears, as they do in their latest commercial, “Mom Song”.

What is surprising is how terrifying the resulting commercial is. And how much scarier it could have been.

Read more about Thanks For Leaving Dads Out of This One!
