“Come at the [Throne], You Best Not Miss…”

“Come at the [Throne], You Best Not Miss…”

A year or so back I posted a picture of the awesome Omar bib my Baltimore-based friend bought for my son me. (I’d previously stated that my wife bought it, but she merely framed it.)

“The Wire” – aka the Best Television Program Ever Created – has been off the air for years now, and HBO is still scrambling to find another critically acclaimed, lowly-rated masterpiece. They haven’t quite equaled “The Wire” just yet, but they have some good shows, including “Game of Thrones”.

And now, a Brooklyn artist has created a poster for a dream mashup of “The Wire”‘s best character and the family crests on GoT. And it is AWESOME. I know at least one friend who is buying it right now.

Take a look…

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Has It Come to This?

Has It Come to This?

Before I became a parent, I made a lot of blanket statements about what I would and wouldn’t do should that day come.

At the top of the list? Putting a leash on my child.

A year and a half in, dealing with an unruly toddler who would like nothing more than to run into traffic or down a spiral staircase or into the maws of a giant piece of machinery, I am thisclose to putting the kid in a cat carrier.

And after the incident last weekend, a leash is starting to seem like the most reasonable thing in the world.

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Dear God, What Have We Done? – Part 2 (To Us)

Dear God, What Have We Done? – Part 2 (To Us)

When I was a kid, whenever I had a nightmare my parents would tell me to think about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, since they are associated with happiness and fun. Unfortunately, I took that advice, and for a few years was beset by terrifying nightmares wherein a homicidal Santa or a psychopathic Easter Bunny attempted to murder me.

I no longer fear Santa, but am still occasionally faced with an instance where something/someone that is usually considered friendly, or, at worst, utterly innocuous, fills me with dread.

This Christmas, that something/someone is Elmo. (see Part 1 here.)

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Dear God, What Have We Done? – Part 1 (To Him)

Dear God, What Have We Done? – Part 1 (To Him)

So this weekend we celebrated our son’s “second” Christmas, but since, if memory serves, he spent his actual first Christmas crying and pooping and sleeping with nary any clue of what all the fuss was about, this was more like his real actual first Christmas. And being that he’s only 15 months old, we weren’t even sure this one would count.

But we were wrong.

The kid took to Christmas like Tim Tebow takes to scruff, or Tim Tebow takes to evangelism, or Tim Tebow takes to not being able to play quarterback. (See Part 2 here.)

Read more about Dear God, What Have We Done? – Part 1 (To Him)

Miracle on 34th Street

Miracle on 34th Street

Last week, my wife and I took our pride and joy (by which I mean our new iPhone 4S) and also our young son to visit Santa Claus at the Macy’s in Herald Square.

As residents of NYC it was a patently idiotic thing to do, as was visiting Rockefeller Center the week before; we’re not tourists, why would we subject ourselves to acting like them? The crush of people around 30 Rock was insane, and here I was trying to navigate a stroller through this mess of yokels, all of them hoping for a glimpse of Hoda or Tina Fey or the Snoopy balloon, all of them staring wide-eyed at the hot dog vendors and the skyscrapers, all of them losing their minds over a tree that wasn’t even lit in the middle of the day. Or maybe it was. I stood right next to it and didn’t even hazard a glance because who cares? I have one in my living room.

And yet last week we did it again. This time, we somehow made it through unscathed. It really was a miracle.

And that was what sucked about it.

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