Spawn in 60 Seconds

Spawn in 60 Seconds

We are moving. From the cozy confines of Brooklyn to the Southern jungle of Raleigh, North Carolina.

With moving comes a variety of stresses and concerns. There’s a reason moving is the only thing on earth that’s actually worse than planning a wedding. Am I right, ladies?

Since we happen to be moving from a city with certain conveniences (such as being the GREATEST PLACE ON EARTH!) to an area somewhere below the Mason-Dixon line that may or may not have electricity and written language, we are forced to make a variety of complicated arrangements.

Not the least of which is acquiring an automobile.

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The Death of Spontaneity

The Death of Spontaneity

Back when I was single, or even married without a kid, planning things wasn’t necessary. I’d get an impromptu phone call from a friend and just say “sure, I’ll be right there!” Then I’d actually be right there, and we’d spend the next 11 hours sitting at a bar.

Nowadays, if I don’t have something on the books at least a week in advance, I can’t even answer that phone call. Just getting yourself and your kid out of the house takes an eternity. When you become a parent, the concept of “spur of the moment” ceases to exist.

Having children means the death of spontaneity.

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Blight in August

Blight in August

I am glad August is over.

Between a whole bunch of travel (some leisure-based, some not), Hurricane Irene, the heat, the interminable NFL preseason, the terrible television and my son’s graduation into a mobile, havoc-wreaking machine, August was tough. So, except for the fact that September is likely to be even worse – what with my birthday, my son’s birthday, our anniversary, football season, fantasy season AND the fact that I totally forgot to say “Rabbit rabbit” this morning! – I am ready to turn the page into fall.

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To Ireland in a Handbasket: Tips for Traveling with a Baby, Schadenfreude Edition

To Ireland in a Handbasket: Tips for Traveling with a Baby, Schadenfreude Edition

Having just survived an intercontinental trip with our 8-month-old baby, I am ready to share what I’ve learned. I’ve already discussed how well my son handled the trip and while I’ll be the first to admit that it wasn’t exactly easy, or quite as relaxing as previous baby-free vacations, it wasn’t nearly as bad as we’d been led to believe it might be.

Of course, I know that’s not what many of you want to hear, especially on this blog, so…I wrote the following list for you. Consider it your daily helping of schadenfreude.

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Where in the World was DadandBuried?

Where in the World was DadandBuried?

We did it.

More honestly: He did it.

If you’re wondering where I’ve been for the past two weeks, here it is: we flew overseas and back. With our 8-month-old. And despite the many misgivings of friends and family, not to mention the stunned looks of fellow passengers and other people we met on our travels, we lived to tell about it. All three of us!

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