Trick or Beat!

Trick or Beat!

Every morning, when we ask my son what he wants to wear today, he says “Gabba!”

Every day. No matter that we’re deep into fall and his “Yo Gabba Gabba” shirt has short sleeves. He wants to wear it every day. I kind of suspect that he thinks “Gabba” means “clothes.”

“What do you want to wear today?”
“You got it, kid!”

But this Halloween, we took him at his word and went one further with his request. He wore a full-fledged DJ Lance Rock costume.

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Zombie Post: Halloween and a Hurricane

Zombie Post: Halloween and a Hurricane

So you may have heard about the hurricane nor’easter tornado blizzard thing we had the other day. Here in CT – where we’re staying until next week’s move down south – we lost power Monday afternoon and, thanks to some unique circumstances (tree fall, wires down, electric meter destroyed), look to be power-free for aRead more about Zombie Post: Halloween and a Hurricane[…]

Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

So for this week’s assignment, I was paired with Martinis and Minivans, a similarly-minded blogger who writes about how her kids drive her to drink.

I only have one kid, and I’ve basically been drunk since he was born, so we made a good team.

Unfortunately the judges didn’t think so.

That’s where you come in.

Read more about Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

Don’t STFU, Blog

Don’t STFU, Blog

With 1.5 million views a month, I could easily assume that you’ve already heard of STFU, Parents. Besides, you’re reading this so-called parenting blog…though it’s not exactly the same thing.

If you haven’t heard of it, no worries; you’re about to. Partially because the author just shed her anonymity and is making a media tour of sorts, and partially because I am telling you about it right now. The about page describes STFU, Parents as a “submission-based “public service” blog that mocks parent overshare on social networking sites.”

Consider this a public service announcement.

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In Defense of “Texting While Parenting”

In Defense of “Texting While Parenting”

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about the texting habits of parents. The tenor of the conversations is mostly negative, and a lot of words have been spent excoriating parents for using their phones when they should be watching their kids.

I think we’re all guilty of it, to some extent. And sure, sometimes texting while parenting is dangerous and irresponsible, and sometimes it’s neglectful, and sometimes it’s rude.

But sometimes it’s also necessary. And it’s not always wrong.

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