Netflix and Chill

Netflix and Chill

I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty nervous about impending baby number two.

While I’m excited to have a new child to mock for your entertainment, the thought of having to suddenly take care of a helpless baby again is not filling me with joy. The little I remember of the last experience isn’t exactly sunshine and roses.

Lots of late nights, loss of sleep, extra laundry, messy kitchen, the list goes on. But there was one silver lining: I caught up on a lot of my favorite shows!

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Empty Parenting Threats

Empty Parenting Threats

When it comes to getting your kids to do something they don’t want to do, there are basically three tactics you can employ: bribery, threats, and just giving up and doing it for them.

Doing it for them is obviously not the way to go. Detective Munch is lazy enough as it is; if I were to start waiting on him hand and foot (or waiting on him even more, which I guess would make it waiting on him hands and feet? COMEDY GOLD!), he’d probably end up with bed sores.

As most parents already know, bribery is a double-edged sword. It works, but you’re gonna pay for it down the line when the kid refuses to get out of bed without the promise of a new toy or some TV time, and eventually you’re buying him a new car just to get him to go to college.

Which leaves us with threats.

Read more about Empty Parenting Threats
