Beer Goggles

Beer Goggles

There comes a time in every parent’s life when they realize they have to sacrifice their dreams to help their children achieve theirs. If you’re lucky, your dreams overlap.

I never imagined such luck was in store for me, and then I learned about an amazing new gig. It’s kind of my dream job.

Now all I have to do is force my son to dream it too.

Read more about Beer Goggles

Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.

Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.

I’m not really the thankful type.

That’s not to say I’m not thankful for things, I’m just not the kind of guy that runs around telling people what I’m thankful for or how blessed I am.

But Thanksgiving is the one day a year even people like me are supposed to gush a bit. So here goes nothing!

Read more about Fine. I’ll Give Some Thanks.
