Follow the Advice of the Galactically Stupid

Follow the Advice of the Galactically Stupid

I like to read advice columns. They are often hilarious, sometimes due to the strangeness of the issue, sometimes because of the obliviousness of the advice seeker. Judging by their questions, these people have no clue how to conduct themselves socially. It can be fun to laugh at them.

And sometimes the funniest part is the so-called expert’s response. The idea of someone being an expert in all of these far-reaching, wide-ranging problems from other people’s lives is flagrantly absurd, and it’s almost as entertaining to judge this self-proclaimed expert’s answers as it is to judge the questions. Just look at the nonsense in this column. It comes at you from both sides!

The whole advice racket is just too much fun to pass up, so today I’m announcing my intention to join in.

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Of Allergies and Effigies

Of Allergies and Effigies

Every Spring, for the past two years, I have been faced with a crippling bout of allergies. I never really had them before, so their onset is a tad confusing. I’ve lived in NYC for more than four years now, in the same neighborhood, so as much as this Red Sox fan would love to, I can’t blame the Big Apple.

I’d like to blame the trees, but Marky Mark made that seem too ridiculous. I’d also like to blame The Trees, but my days of listening to Rush were long gone well before the allergies set in.

So after a brief, slightly ill-considered, largely well-inebriated period of elimination, I’ve come to a startling conclusion: I’m allergic to my son.

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The Rarer Sex: Suddenly She More?

The Rarer Sex: Suddenly She More?

Changes come in clumps. I’m probably not alone when I tell you that several of my friends got married right around the same time as I did, and subsequently had their first kids right around the same time I did and, eventually, will get divorced around the same time I do.

Such is how the world turns, and now is the time on Sprockets when people have their second child, should they choose to do so. My wife and I have not yet made a choice one way or the other – though we were considering the pros and cons almost immediately after we had Kid #1.

The jury remains out for us. But if we do have a second, my wife would love a daughter.

So much so that I would not be surprised to see her attempt to shove a second son back in.

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Child Abuse

Child Abuse

My son has been involved in a few violent incidents recently. And I’m not just talking about the constant finger-biting he does when we try to brush his teeth, though that is not fun either. I don’t care if you’re Batman, getting bit HURTS.

Thankfully, my son has not yet shown any signs of being a biter – it’s almost hard to blame him for the biting he has done, seeing as it only happens when we stick a bubble-gum flavored finger in his mouth.

No, the violence I’m talking about is the hand-to-hand kind. Well, the hand-to-face kind, as in my son’s hand and another kid’s face.

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