Who Does My Son Take After

Who Does My Son Take After

Parenting isn’t a competition.

When it comes to raising kids, comparing how you’re doing to other parents or measuring your kid’s development against others their age is just not a good idea. Children are like snowflakes – annoying, loud, inconvenient, smelly snowflakes. They’re all annoying and loud and inconvenient and smelly in their own unique ways.

Every parent is unique too. We all have different styles, even compared to our spouses. Making it about who’s winning is poisonous to your relationship and potentially damaging to your offspring.

That said, when it comes to which parent Detective Munch takes after, I am totally crushing my wife.

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Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

So for this week’s assignment, I was paired with Martinis and Minivans, a similarly-minded blogger who writes about how her kids drive her to drink.

I only have one kid, and I’ve basically been drunk since he was born, so we made a good team.

Unfortunately the judges didn’t think so.

That’s where you come in.

Read more about Blogger Idol 2012 – Week 4: Judge Dread

Don’t STFU, Blog

Don’t STFU, Blog

With 1.5 million views a month, I could easily assume that you’ve already heard of STFU, Parents. Besides, you’re reading this so-called parenting blog…though it’s not exactly the same thing.

If you haven’t heard of it, no worries; you’re about to. Partially because the author just shed her anonymity and is making a media tour of sorts, and partially because I am telling you about it right now. The about page describes STFU, Parents as a “submission-based “public service” blog that mocks parent overshare on social networking sites.”

Consider this a public service announcement.

Read more about Don’t STFU, Blog

Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months

Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months

My son turned two in September, forever removing the need to specify how many months old he is. Now that he’s two, he’s just two. Maybe soon he’ll be “two-and-a-half”, maybe eventually “almost three.’ But mostly just two. At such a young age, measuring by months is necessary, at least when talking to other parents.Read more about Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months[…]
