If You Can’t Beat Em…

If You Can’t Beat Em…

A few weeks ago I caught wind of this new Tumblr focusing on the “bad parents, cute babies, questionable decisions” that result in photos of babies in bars. I took issue with the site’s general conceit that taking a baby to a bar is a bad idea. But the site has potential. So much potential,Read more about If You Can’t Beat Em…[…]

Baby in the Bar, Dot Com

Baby in the Bar, Dot Com

Apparently this guy has a problem with babies being in bars, and as a result he’s decided to create a website devoted to “shaming” parents by posting pictures of them behaving “badly” by bringing their kids to bars. His site’s tagline is: Bad parents, cute babies, questionable decisions. I have problems with every part ofRead more about Baby in the Bar, Dot Com[…]

Hey Parents, Why So Serious?

Hey Parents, Why So Serious?

When did parenting get so serious?

Every where you look these days, parents are up in arms about the ways other people raise their kids. Don’t Cry It Out! Don’t spank! No TV! No fast food! No smoking!

And yet, despite all these precautions, the ultimate result – the person your kid ends up being, regardless of how strictly or loosely he is raised – is still a mystery. So why can’t we all lighten up a bit?

Why so serious?

Read more about Hey Parents, Why So Serious?

Pain in the Ice

Pain in the Ice

Quick follow-up on Friday’s post about the summer heat.

Last night we installed the window units in our apartment – it was muggy as hell and with the little guy having sweated a fair amount the night before, we didn’t want to take any chances. So I threw one in his window and turned it on.

Then came hours of worrying. Was it too cold? Is he wearing enough? Is the filter clean? What if we just use the Fan setting? Will he be to hot? Can we set it to turn off automatically?

Read more about Pain in the Ice
