What If I Hate My Kid?

What If I Hate My Kid?

It’s a real concern, isn’t it? Having a kid that you can’t stand?

A few disclaimers: I’m not talking about hating having a kid; there is a lot that comes with parenting that is just not fun, but that doesn’t mean you hate the kid because of it. Until the kid gets a personality, he’s not really hate-able as a person. He’s hate-able as an entity – nobody likes a crying, fussy, messy baby – but that’s not what I’m talking about.

It’s another thing if your kid doesn’t share your interests; that’s normal, especially once he becomes a teenager. But that’s not what I’m talking about either.

Find out what I mean, after the jump.
Read more about What If I Hate My Kid?

The “Life Sucks” Anti-Breeding Argument

The “Life Sucks” Anti-Breeding Argument

What's in the box, Al?

1995’s heartwarming blockbuster Se7en, in which a good Christian man attempts to educate a brash young detective in the consequences of sin, features a moving scene in which a young Gwyneth Paltrow reveals that she is pregnant, and that she is scared to bring a baby into the bleak, violent world depicted in the film.

This is a concern many new parents have: do we have the right to introduce a living being into the world, knowing that we’ll be subjecting the child to a lifetime of misery and despair?

Read more about The “Life Sucks” Anti-Breeding Argument

My Baby Is A Vegetable

My Baby Is A Vegetable

According to the baby books and websites I’ve been reading for the past seven months, that is.

All these baby prep guides provide updates by the week/month/trimester, giving you some insight into how the kid is developing, and for some reason, just about every single time they compare your growing baby to some kind of fruit or vegetable.

Keep reading to see the full grocery list of baby comparisons….

Read more about My Baby Is A Vegetable

Independence Day has nothing to do with your baby, Pinko.

Independence Day has nothing to do with your baby, Pinko.

There are two things that become pretty popular with certain types of expecting parents as their due date approaches. One thing they do is act like their fetus has already landed and say “it’s Baby Nilbog’s first Independence Day!” even thought the kid is still trapped inside his watery tomb. Sorry, womb. I am not that kind of person. If I were, I might be pissed off that my son’s first baseball game was at Yankee Stadium earlier today. But since he wasn’t actually there, I don’t have to say that.

The other thing certain insufferable types of expecting parents do is start marking every checkpoint, holiday, event of any kind as “the last one we’ll ever have without a kid around,” i.e. “the last Christmas ever without Baby Jojo” or “the last beer pong tournament without a kid to get home to,” etc. I am not that kind of person either, but if I were, I might say that today is the last 4th of July I’ll ever experience without being a father. But I’m not that kind of person, nor do I give a shit about the 4th. Read more about Independence Day has nothing to do with your baby, Pinko.
