Everything in its Right Place?

Everything in its Right Place?

The kid loves puzzles.

Alphabet puzzles, number puzzles, animal puzzles, etc. If he’s not begging to watch Winnie the Pooh or read his Thomas the Tank Engine book, he’s carrying a puzzle over and sitting on my lap to do it.

Unfortunately for me, watching him do puzzles is excruciating.

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Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months

Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months

My son turned two in September, forever removing the need to specify how many months old he is. Now that he’s two, he’s just two. Maybe soon he’ll be “two-and-a-half”, maybe eventually “almost three.’ But mostly just two. At such a young age, measuring by months is necessary, at least when talking to other parents.Read more about Zombie Post: That Time, of the Months[…]

Kids Are Shameless And That’s A Good Thing

Kids Are Shameless And That’s A Good Thing

My son is learning fast and it’s both fun to watch and bittersweet to see, as it means he’s growing up. Soon he’ll have to shed some of the more immature behavior that comes with toddler territory. Like being shameless.

Going to the bathroom in your pants or throwing tantrums or smearing food all over your face at every meal; that stuff just won’t fly when he’s older. But there are some things kids learn that maybe they shouldn’t.

Right now, at two years old, my son knows no shame. And I’d like to keep it that way for as long as possible.

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Copy Brat

Copy Brat

A little while back I ran a series of posts about my son’s increasing vocabulary and my attempts to decipher his mangled pronunciations.

The series petered out; not because I’m lazy (maybe a little) but because my son’s language skills are developing too fast to make those posts sustainable.

The dude knows too many words. Even worse, he can now repeat back just about everything we say.


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