[E-card] The Parenting Paradox
Everyone says having kids blows up your life.
They’re right, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
It’s the Parenting Paradox!
Everyone says having kids blows up your life.
They’re right, but it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
It’s the Parenting Paradox!
First things first: I support the troops; I love America and Ford and apple pie and Credence Clearwater Revival; I pledge allegiance to the flag and take my hat off during the national anthem; I hate terrorism and ISIS and think they must be stopped, somehow.
Just not by my son. I don’t want him near a military recruiting office. Not in a million years.
I won’t let my son join the military.
I spend a lot of time complaining about all the things parenting has taken away from me. My energy, my free time, any instance of silence, the ability to open a bag of chips without a mop-headed midget running in and demanding all of them, without even knowing what they are.
But today I’m looking at the bright side.
Parenting doesn’t just take, it gives. And over the past five years, I’ve acquired some amazing talents that never would have manifested if I weren’t responsible for a child.
Because with great responsibility comes great power…
Last week, I wrote a piece about many ways parents constantly second-guess themselves. I surely missed a lot of examples, which was inevitable; every parent has different anxieties, and every parent questions themselves in different ways.
But no matter the specific details of your insecurities, it all boils down to asking yourself the same thing: Am I a good parent?
I’m not.