Health Scare
Do you like being scared? It’s October, so there’s no better time, right?
Well, forget vampires and mummies and werewolves and celebrities without makeup, I have a foolproof way to give yourself the willies:
Have kids.
Do you like being scared? It’s October, so there’s no better time, right?
Well, forget vampires and mummies and werewolves and celebrities without makeup, I have a foolproof way to give yourself the willies:
Have kids.
Moms are screwed. They have a thankless job, serving as the paradigm of parenting, assumed almost by default to know what they’re doing when it comes to raising kids, and having the contradictory burden of high expectations while simultaneously being taken for granted.
They are the standard bearers and when they fail, they are vilified. There’s nothing society hates more than a bad mom. Never mind that women, like men, contain multitudes, and just having the biology to grow a life doesn’t mean every single female is meant to be a mother or even wants to be one. God forbid women try to “have it all” and be something in addition to being a mother. Goddamn feminists!
Dads, meanwhile, have it made. Unless a rising band of crusaders – which includes both a Hogwarts graduate (did they actually graduate?) and some fellow dad bloggers – succeeds in ruining everything for us.