Zombie Post: Little Did I Know

Zombie Post: Little Did I Know

I wrote the post I’ve resurrected below one year ago. It’s a charming little trifle about my son’s increasingly bad behavior. Little did I know that what I thought, last May, was the onset of the terrible twos – though I even admit in the post that I might be a tad premature in thatRead more about Zombie Post: Little Did I Know[…]

It’s Not Me, It’s You

It’s Not Me, It’s You

Everybody has that one friend for whom they’re constantly making excuses.

“He’s not normally like this” or “He’s cool once you get to know him” or “He’s got a weird sense of humor.”

After a while, though, it starts to become apparent that despite your friendship, that’s an awful lot of caveats. Maybe it’s time for the guy to start taking some of the blame for his own behavior.

Lately, that’s how I feel about my son.

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Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift: Storypanda Books

Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift: Storypanda Books

I’ve never done this before.

I’ve never used my blog to promote a product. There just aren’t a lot of kids’ products I’m comfortable plugging.

But I got an opportunity to explore Storypanda’s interactive children’s stories for the iPad (soon to be offered for Android devices), and as someone who is sick to death of reading “Llama Llama Red Pajama” to my kid, I’m going to make an exception, just in time for Mother’s Day!

Translation: I dropped the ball on my present and this is an easy fix.

Read more about Last Minute Mother’s Day Gift: Storypanda Books

A Letter to My Son Regarding Mother’s Day

A Letter to My Son Regarding Mother’s Day

Dear Detective Munch,

It’s time to start pulling your weight.

Don’t worry; I’m not going to make you get a job. You’re only two and a half! The whole talking thing is still new to you (though you have screaming down pat, unfortunately), never mind following orders. Besides, there are laws that prevent it.

But at two years old there are some things you can – nay, must – do, and celebrating Mother’s Day is one of them.

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