“Come at the [Throne], You Best Not Miss…”

“Come at the [Throne], You Best Not Miss…”

A year or so back I posted a picture of the awesome Omar bib my Baltimore-based friend bought for my son me. (I’d previously stated that my wife bought it, but she merely framed it.)

“The Wire” – aka the Best Television Program Ever Created – has been off the air for years now, and HBO is still scrambling to find another critically acclaimed, lowly-rated masterpiece. They haven’t quite equaled “The Wire” just yet, but they have some good shows, including “Game of Thrones”.

And now, a Brooklyn artist has created a poster for a dream mashup of “The Wire”‘s best character and the family crests on GoT. And it is AWESOME. I know at least one friend who is buying it right now.

Take a look…

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Patiently Waiting for Patience

Patiently Waiting for Patience

I like Guns N’ Roses. Appetite For Destruction is one of the best albums of the 80s, and even the bloated Use Your Illusion double album has a lot of great songs on it. If you want, I’ll even defend parts of Chinese Democracy. What’s that? You don’t want? Fine.

As I try to cultivate my son’s appreciation for my favorite music, there is a fair amount of the GnR catalog I will avoid until he’s older. But even the staunchest GnR hater probably enjoys whistling along with “Patience.”

I’ve been trying to teach my son to whistle that tune, which is basically impossible. But it’s not as impossible as teaching him the actual concept of patience.

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Abusement Park: A Visit to Sesame Place

Abusement Park: A Visit to Sesame Place

I am what some people might call a bit of a curmudgeon. If I am in a mood, it doesn’t take much to frustrate me and set me on edge.

Thankfully, my son is the perfect antidote for that tendency, with his unique ability to refocus my perspective and make me happy. He’s not a panacea, but my experience this past weekend visiting Sesame Place, the Sesame Street themed amusement park outside of Philadelphia, showed me just how much good he does for my daily mood and overall outlook.

Because holy shit that place is a nightmare.

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Puberty Takes No Prisoners

Puberty Takes No Prisoners

As my son’s second birthday approaches, I can’t help but think ahead to what he’ll be like when he’s older. Especially since he is already growing up so fast.

Obviously, I can’t possibly predict my sons future interests based on what he likes as a toddler! I highly doubt he”ll still enjoy “Yo Gabba Gabba,” climbing up and down stairs, and pulling tissues out of boxes as much as he does right now. But I always say “find a job you love and you’ll never work a day in you life,” so go for it, tissue puller!

But really, about the only thing I can predict for him, with nearly 100% accuracy, is that for much of the time between the ages of 12 and 17, he’s going to be hideously ugly.

Read more about Puberty Takes No Prisoners
