Begun, the PopWars Have

Begun, the PopWars Have

I love popcorn.

Last night I actually woke up with a stomachache because I ate too much popcorn. But that won’t stop me from being a popcorn fan, intestinal pain be damned!

I also love Star Wars. I’ve actually woken up in pain at the memory of the prequels. But that won’t stop me from being hopeful about the upcoming movie, Harrison Ford looking 300-years-old/not having been good in a movie in 300 years be damned!

My son also loves both of these things. More importantly, he knows I love them.

I have a bad feeling about this.
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The Meme Police

The Meme Police

Two years ago, I took a video of my son pretending to talk on a cell phone. I posted the video on YouTube and it went viral. Not “Charlie Bit My Finger” viral, but it got almost a million views in the first week and was even aired on “The Today Show”.

It was the early days of my blog, and it was the first big burst of attention I received. It was very exciting, and a little weird. Mom and Buried was worried about exploiting Detective Munch and I was worried we weren’t exploiting him enough.

Turns out I was right, as the furor quickly died down and Dad and Buried faded back into obscurity along with the video…


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Moving Day: Hell On Earth

Moving Day: Hell On Earth

We have arrived down south, but are stuff hasn’t. THat gets here today, which means I’ll be in moving hell all afternoon. This is part FOUR – yes, FOUR – of the never-ending move and I am going to go insane. Before I do, here’s a quick video to lighten the mood around here. YouRead more about Moving Day: Hell On Earth[…]
