Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

God is pretty much the most famous dad in the world. Even if he hadn’t had a son, he has a fatherly presence in many people’s lives, offering them support and guidance in their times of need.

The famous “Footprints in the Sand” poem, in which a man sees only one set of footprints in the sand when formerly there were two and subsequently asks God why He abandoned him, is a great example of this. And people love it. It’s a great way of conveying the love and support religious people feel that God provides them.

Of course, if that poem really were written by a dad, it might be a little bit different.

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Sleepover! (Emphasis on OVER)

Sleepover! (Emphasis on OVER)

A few weeks ago, we planned a babysitting swap with some friends of ours.

They agreed to take our Detective Munch for a night, all night, overnight!, so Mom and Buried and I could go out and pretend to be twenty-year-olds again. More importantly, we could wake up and pretend to be twenty-year-olds again. And then, a few weeks down the line, we would repay the favor. It seemed like a great idea.

This weekend, it was our turn. To take our friends’ two kids.

We didn’t think this through.

Read more about Sleepover! (Emphasis on OVER)

Giveaway: Allergy Relief from Venta Airwashers

Giveaway: Allergy Relief from Venta Airwashers

Sometimes you just get lucky.

In my ongoing attempt to become the primary destination for parents who want to talk shit about their children, I am occasionally afforded some fun opportunities from brands who have a sense of humor or who haven’t actually read my blog. I got to participate in a photo shoot with Dove Men+ Care, I’ve written about some cool products, I’ve even been on a podcast or two. (Not lately though, AHEM!)

Every now and again, someone will reach out with an offer that seems to have little connection to my blog or even my life, like when a company that makes air purifiers asked me if I’d like to try one of their products.

You wouldn’t think such a thing was necessarily in line with my content, and normally it wouldn’t be. But as “luck” would have it, Detective Munch had just gotten some bad news from the allergist…

Read more about Giveaway: Allergy Relief from Venta Airwashers

The Imitation Game

The Imitation Game

Last weekend, we skipped an appointment that we’d made for Detective Munch. And we won’t be rescheduling it any time soon.

Don’t worry. He’s all caught up on his vaccinations. He was supposed to take a test that would determine whether he’s “gifted and talented”. We opted out, for a variety of reasons.

For example, right now he’s sucking on a comb.

Read more about The Imitation Game

My Most Popular Images of 2014

My Most Popular Images of 2014

This was a pretty good year for my blog. Nothing really went viral, and I’m not famous yet, but I managed a steady output of posts, and I even managed some decent “Wordless Wednesday” images and ecards.

Today, being Worldless Wednesday, I figured I’d share the ten most popular images – including some custom ecards and a bunch of rudimentary charts and graphs and stuff. I stress “rudimentary” as I’m no artist.

But I hope some of these made you laugh.

Enjoy, and I’ll be back tomorrow with my top 10 most popular posts of the last year!

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