Benefit of the Doubt

Benefit of the Doubt

Over the weekend, someone on my Facebook page told me that because I use the Cry It Out method, I’d broken my son’s trust in me, and another said I was cruel and heartless. These were people I’ve never met, who have never met my son, who have never been privy to my relationship with my son, who have no earthly idea what actually went down, how my son reacted, what the circumstances were, etc.

I don’t get offended very often, or by very much. But being told by complete strangers that I am damaging my relationship with one of my kids and that I don’t care about his well-being because they don’t agree with the way I sleep-train? That got me.

Judge me for crying it out. Judge me for letting my kids watch too much TV, for giving them too many toys, for co-sleeping or calling them assholes on my blog or vaccinating them or using my phone when I’m with them at the playground. I don’t care. Some of that is probably valid.

But don’t question my love for my son(s!).
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Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 3

Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 3

No one wants my advice. Probably because I don’t know what I’m talking about it. But that will NEVER stop me from providing it, so long as there’s at least one person that asks for some. And there is! Just one, but still. That counts.

I’ve added some questions of my own, in order to fill space and to address some issues I myself have been having trouble with. To avoid confusion and differentiate my questions from actual external questions, I’ve addresses those made-up questions to myself as being from myself. Meta!

(Submit your own questions, at your own risk, here.)

Read more about Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 3
