Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed – Vol. 5

Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed – Vol. 5

I’m almost officially two years into my gig as a dad, and I think it’s pretty safe to say I am DOMINATING the category. If this were the Olympics I’d be like the U.S. Women, mostly that chick that shoots them skeets real good.

Seriously, three questions this week! My authority is being recognized!

(Recognize my authority at your own risk, right here.)

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Parents Can Have Fun Too

Parents Can Have Fun Too

So Snooki had a kid. *Sigh*

Look, there are plenty of people out there who have kids that maybe shouldn’t or maybe don’t want to – maybe don’t even mean to – and end up being great parents anyway. So I’m willing to give this “maybe” the benefit of the doubt. At least for a while.

After all, it’s not my business to judge Snooki’s parenting, and honestly, I have little interest in thinking about this thing you call “Snooki” at all.

Unfortunately she’s already said something that goes against everything this blog stands for. And I don’t truck with that.

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The Pros and Cons of Preferential Treatment

The Pros and Cons of Preferential Treatment

My son likes my wife more than he likes me.

Yup. He’s a bit of a mama’s boy. But it’s normal for young kids to have an attachment to their mom; after spending nine months living in someone’s body, and then another year or so relying on that body for sustenance, you’d get attached too. Besides, he’s not even two, so I’m not super concerned that he’ll develop into some freaky Norman Bates type guy. Yet.

But I understand why he likes Mom more than dear old Dad. But that doesn’t mean her preferential treatment doesn’t occasionally hurt my feelings.

Except when it works to my advantage.

Read more about The Pros and Cons of Preferential Treatment

Lack of Independence Day

Lack of Independence Day

This Fourth of July, Mom and Buried and I are faced with a bit of a dilemma. The same one we are faced with everyday, really.

We want to celebrate our country’s birth in style by getting drunk out of our minds.

But we have a kid. They should call it “Lack of Independence Day”.

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