Shut Up Already!

Shut Up Already!

I’m dying to say that to my son. If only he could talk back, so I could harshly put him down. The ability to use verbal abuse is one of the many privileges of being a parent and I’m looking forward to – pun intended – abusing it.

The irony is that when he’s a teenager he’ll turn the tables on me with never-ending sarcasm and constant disrespectfulness; but that’s when I bust out the PHYSICAL ABUSE, Good Will Hunting-style. If there’s anything Papa Hunting knew how to do, it was how to beat the genius into somebody, whether he used a belt, stick or wrench.

But back to my son. He isn’t talking back just yet, but he is talking, at least a little. Or maybe it’s more like “talk.”

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Hey Parents, Why So Serious?

Hey Parents, Why So Serious?

When did parenting get so serious?

Every where you look these days, parents are up in arms about the ways other people raise their kids. Don’t Cry It Out! Don’t spank! No TV! No fast food! No smoking!

And yet, despite all these precautions, the ultimate result – the person your kid ends up being, regardless of how strictly or loosely he is raised – is still a mystery. So why can’t we all lighten up a bit?

Why so serious?

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Baby Names and Slop Culture

Baby Names and Slop Culture

I was going to post about an apparent allergy my son may have. What with Tuesday’s post about his first fever, today’s allergy post would have made this “Sickness Week” on Dad and Buried.

Fortunately for anyone excited about that theme, this impromptu post fits right in. Because when my wife told me the news that inspired it, I nearly threw up.

The Social Security Administration released the list of 2010’s most popular baby names today. And the top two were clearly inspired by “Twilight.”

Read more about Baby Names and Slop Culture
