Cutting the Cable Cord

Cutting the Cable Cord

We got rid of cable.

The summer is the perfect time to cancel. We don’t watch reality shows, we don’t watch USA’s oh-so-breezy summer programming…and not much else is on until fall, when, according to the last few commercials I saw, electricty disappears and hack jokes about guys having to be parents – THE HORROR! – are all the rage.

Except for Breaking Bad, there’s not much I can’t wait for.

The stuff I am gonna miss without TV? Sports, filler, and the kids programming. Oh wait, we have plenty of kids programming. No shortage of inane, annoying, loud, bright, anthropomorphized animals and songs about brushing your teeth here.

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Parenting Advice From The Childless

Parenting Advice From The Childless

No one wants my parenting advice. But like just about everyone else, I won’t stop giving it. The difference is, where most people celebrate their “expertise,” I revel in my ignorance.

I’ve had an advice section for a few weeks now, a page where I can field your question, queries, queests about how to best raise your kids. The difference between me and most advice columnists is that I don’t pretend to be an authority; I admit I don’t know shit about parenting. But at least I actually have a kid.

Those people that don’t even have kids but insist on telling you how to handle yours? Wow.

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I Am Parent, Hear Me Roar

I Am Parent, Hear Me Roar

Parents are a vocal bunch. So when a particularly provocative topic hits the news, they aren’t about to stay quiet. The funny thing is, while you’d think parents would be most aggressive when defending their kids, more often than not they are equally as loud, if not louder, when they feel the need to defend themselves.

Because not only are parents vocal, they are sensitive.

We got additional evidence on this front last week, with the TIME Magazine cover controversy.

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What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean For My Son?

What Does Same-Sex Marriage Mean For My Son?

My son is not yet two years old, and as we haven’t had him tested yet, we can’t know if he’s got the gay or not. But we can guess.

He loves to dance. He enjoys wrapping scarves around his neck and playing with my wife’s makeup kit. He’s really into stuffed animals and has long eyelashes.

The writing is on the wall.

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