Zombie Post: Home Court Disadvantage

Zombie Post: Home Court Disadvantage

The last time March Madness rolled around, I had a full-time job. The job afforded me the flexibility to work from home one day a week, and on a day like today – the second day of the tournament – such a set-up seemed ideal. Of course, working from home wasn’t all it was crackedRead more about Zombie Post: Home Court Disadvantage[…]

Zombie Post: No Church in the Child

Zombie Post: No Church in the Child

There’s something funny about “resurrecting” a post about raising my son to believe in God. Amirite? But with all this ridiculous Pope stuff in the news, I thought it made sense to revisit this old post, written only a few months after my kid was born. It’s about the conflict between my own disdain forRead more about Zombie Post: No Church in the Child[…]

Zombie Post: Welcome to the “Neighborhood”

Zombie Post: Welcome to the “Neighborhood”

Mom and Buried showed the kid an old “Mr. Rogers” episode the other day. To my surprise, he sat in rapt attention for the entirety of the the episode. He can’t get enough of it! He’s constantly asking to hear “the neighbor song.” We try not to let him watch too much TV, but heRead more about Zombie Post: Welcome to the “Neighborhood”[…]

Zombie Post: You Can’t Unsee Toy Story 3

Zombie Post: You Can’t Unsee Toy Story 3

Yesterday, upon hearing news about plans for a 4th Toy Story movie, I wrote a tweet poking fun at how dark the last movie was and where the latest sequel might go if it continued to up the stakes. Judging by how many people starred and retweeted what was an inappropriate – and really notRead more about Zombie Post: You Can’t Unsee Toy Story 3[…]

Zombie Post: Free My Valentine?

Zombie Post: Free My Valentine?

Mom and Buried and I aren’t all that big on Valentine’s Day.

I know what you’re thinking: you’re kidding yourself, pal. Which is a fair point; anyone who has ever met a woman knows she cares about Valentine’s Day on some level. But I know my wife. You don’t get through five years of marriage without being able to tell when your spouse is bluffing. Believe me, I’ve gotten it wrong enough times to get it right at least one out of every ten chances. And she’s not bluffing about Valentine’s Day.

Read more about Zombie Post: Free My Valentine?
