Why I Ask Parents ‘The Trump Question’

Why I Ask Parents ‘The Trump Question’

No one likes to discuss politics, or religion, or gun control, or any other hot button issue with strangers or acquaintances or extended family.

But as parents, we’re often forced into unpleasant conversations in order to care for our kids, and in 2017, there’s something new I want to know:

“Where do you stand on Trump?”

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Expert Tips For Tantrums Are Great (In Theory)

Expert Tips For Tantrums Are Great (In Theory)

I have a 7-year-old and an almost 2-year-old. Which means my oldest is mostly past tantrums (one would hope!), and my youngest is just about to make them his primary means of communication. Can’t wait!

Tantrums are tough. You can’t really blame the kid, especially not the young ones who are still learning how to express themselves while also grappling with those pesky emotions. But that doesn’t mean you can’t try to figure out how to better handle them, to calm your kid down and keep yourself from losing your shit and/or mind.

Unfortunately, many of the proposed tactics aren’t always possible in the heat of the moment.

Read more about Expert Tips For Tantrums Are Great (In Theory)

The Parenting Respite

The Parenting Respite

I never thought I’d say this, but thank god for parenting! Sometimes, it can be a respite.

Regardless of where you stand on the Great Pumpkin President, these are some harrowing times. North Korea, neo-Nazis, Harvey Weinstein, geostorms (and also Geostorm). Things are fairly tumultuous.

We’re often told to not sweat the small stuff, but when the world serves as an enormous sauna, sometimes the small stuff is the only way to cool yourself down.

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Scarier Movies

Scarier Movies

In a lot of ways, kids make Halloween more fun. But, like everything else, they also make it much, much worse.

For example, last night, as part of our month of scary movies, instead of watching something legit like Let The Right One In (the original FTW!) or The Conjuring, we watched Hocus Pocus. (Which was much scarier, for totally unintentional reasons.)

Because parenting.

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The Curse of Good Parents

The Curse of Good Parents

A friend of mine recently published a book about fatherhood. It’s called “Man v. Child” and it’s both the funniest dad book I’ve ever read and the only dad book I’ve ever read!

Relax, this isn’t a book review. I don’t do book reviews, because I don’t read parenting books and because I don’t feel qualified to review books and because I don’t need every yahoo out sending me their book. But very early in this one, the author, Doug something or other, raises an interesting question.

He asks the reader to consider what their dads were like as parents, and then asks the following question, based on their dad’s track record: “What can you fix?”

What if the answer is nothing?

Read more about The Curse of Good Parents
