Fair Comparisons

Fair Comparisons

If you’ve spent anytime on my blog, you probably know I’m no stranger to a good list.

I have written a lot of them, and almost all of them are collections of hilarious AND TRUE ways that children or parenting (or writing lists!) is/are like other things, like prison or homeless people (or writing lists!).

Comparing children to non-children things is a popular pastime, and an easy way to both let off steam and give non-parents an idea of what the child-rearing experience is like. Most of the time the comparisons are extreme, because everyone knows exaggeration is the absolute funniest thing in the history of the universe. But they all have a kernel of truth.

So which are the funniest and most fair comparisons? I’m glad you asked.

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[Video] Room Trailer

[Video] Room Trailer

Newsflash: I’m not a particularly emotional guy. And I pretty much never get emotional about fiction.

I don’t cry at movies, or TV shows, or books. Sure, some stuff tugs at my heartstrings and I’ll occasionally well up a bit, and I love a good heartwarming moment as much as the next person (like the end of Without a Trace), but tears? No.

Truth be told, I didn’t cry reading Room either. For the entire first half of the book I was crawling out of my skin and almost had a heart attack, but I didn’t cry.

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Repetition Breeds Contempt

Repetition Breeds Contempt

Having children gives you the opportunity to appreciate anew all the wonderful stuff you take for granted when you become an adult, the classic children’s books and films and cartoons you grew up with are part of that.

Lately I’ve been discovering that sometimes the reverse happens, and your children actually make you hate the things you once loved.

Repetition breeds contempt.

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Parenting Job Titles

Parenting Job Titles

When you’re a parent, you take on a lot of roles.

You’re still the person you were before you were a parent (to varying degrees), but now you’re also the person your kid knows as Mommy or Daddy. And then you’re the million different things your kid needs you to be over the course of the day.

If this were a resume it would 30 pages long.

Read more about Parenting Job Titles
