Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Blogger Idol 2012: Week 5 – Sh*t Just Got Real

Things got serious this week.

The assignment was to present our take on a hot news topic. My choice, like most of the others, doesn’t easily lend itself to comedy. So I got real on your asses and laid out my opinion on the same-sex issue that has been dividing the country for years.

It’s become more personal to me since I had my son and will be even more relevant now that we’re moving to North Carolina, a state where the fight for equality has some real obstacles.

Like Amendment One.

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Teach Impediment

Teach Impediment

The reality of being a dad has a way of completely upending your pre-parent expectations.

A few months ago, I wrote about looking forward to the “Rose Is Rose” portion of toddlerhood, in which my son would babble adorably and I’d be forced to puzzle out what he was saying. Like a sophisticated, more intelligent version of The Da Vinci Code (with much less Jesus but a much better vocabulary).

Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to decipher my sons favorite words, most of which revolve around refusing to eat things, refusing to do things and refusing to stop doing things. It’s not really that adorable.

The funny pages lied to me.

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Everything in its Right Place?

Everything in its Right Place?

The kid loves puzzles.

Alphabet puzzles, number puzzles, animal puzzles, etc. If he’s not begging to watch Winnie the Pooh or read his Thomas the Tank Engine book, he’s carrying a puzzle over and sitting on my lap to do it.

Unfortunately for me, watching him do puzzles is excruciating.

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Mobility is Overrated

Mobility is Overrated

We’re all so impressed by mobility these days.

Our favorite technology is all about portability and size and convenience. We have the Internet in our pockets, computers on our wrists, and borderline-Skynet in ridiculous eye-wear that makes Geordie La Forge look hip. All your computers are belong with us, all of the times.

I’m due for an iPhone upgrade this fall but I’m scared the 6 will be too big for my delicate BUT LARGE ENOUGH, LADIES! hands. This from a kid who grew up playing Oo Topos on a huge box monitor with a data tower bigger than my three-year-old. I haven’t had a desktop computer in around 15 years.

Until now.

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Parental Burnout

Parental Burnout

I went into this parenting gig with almost total ignorance, and while it’s been more fun than I anticipated, I have few illusions about the trials and tribulations to come.

In fact, based on what I’ve seen from other parents throughout my life, I fully expect the goodwill I’ve accumulated – along with the optimistm inherent to the naivete of a two year parent – to be largely exhausted and potentially completely eliminated by the time my kid is 18. Maybe even sooner.

But I’m not there yet, and I’m in no hurry to be. So I keep trucking along, only occasionally stressing about the future. Best case scenario, I end up like the parents in Easy A. Worst case? I end up like a teacher.

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