Common Parenting Mistakes

Common Parenting Mistakes

The other day, I ran across an article on Babble entitled, The 20 Most Common Parenting Mistakes, According to a Family Psychologist. I can’t afford a family psychologist, so I checked it out in the hopes of getting some free tips.

Then I read it. And, as I often do with these kinds of articles, I had some comments.

Read more about Common Parenting Mistakes

The Baby Sleep Cycle

The Baby Sleep Cycle

Babies aren’t trying to be jerks. They just can’t help it.

There’s no better proof of babies instinctual ability to mess with you than the uncanny manner in which they always seems to time their sleep schedule for maximum disruption of your life.

To prove this theorem, I spent some time monitoring my son.

Read more about The Baby Sleep Cycle

What Babies are Thinking

What Babies are Thinking

One of the struggles of dealing with a newborn is never knowing what they’re thinking about.

Sure, when they cry it’s probably because they’re hungry or tired or have a full diaper or are sick of the baby talk or what you to turn the channel, but it’s impossible to ever know. (Of course, when your kids finally can tell you what they’re thinking, it’s usually either insulting or meaningless.)

I made a little pie chart to break down babies most common thoughts.

Read more about What Babies are Thinking

The Crying Game

The Crying Game

When we first got The Hammer home, we marveled at how quiet he was. That was a fun half hour!

Turns out he’s actually loud, especially when he hits the so-called “witching hour,” which is the technical term for that specific period of the day when your baby really wants you to know he’s pissed about this whole “not in the womb” thing and he blames YOU.

My five-year-old is more of a whiner, but really, what’s the difference? It’s all a bunch of high-pitched squealing. Even Mom and Buried is a little emotional lately, which is understandable. Her hormones must be going crazy, just a few weeks after giving birth and also with all the catching-up-on-drinking she’s gotta do!

Lately, I’m just surrounded by criers. So I decided to have some fun with it.

Read more about The Crying Game
