My Son is a Con Artist

My Son is a Con Artist

I used to question my son’s commitment to good manners, and my own ability to teach them. I figured some of it is my kid’s fault – something I’m not shy about admitting – and some of it is mine and Mom and Buried’s (but mostly mine, of course).

It’s easy to agonize over how well you’re instilling this stuff, until you realize what toddlers already know:

Manners are bullshit.

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My Man Cold is Your Fault

My Man Cold is Your Fault

On Sunday, I made a joke about the infamous man cold and it caused a little controversy on my Facebook page (give it a like!).

I posted a joke – FYI, that’s pretty much all I do on Facebook, it’s definitely all I do on Twitter, and it’s mostly all I do on here and also in real life – about the way Mom and Buried dotes on our son when he’s feeling a little bit under the weather, and I mentioned how it’s the opposite when I get sick. Instead of going maternal, she goes Medea (not the Tyler Perry character). The claws come out and all I hear is how I’m needy and whiny and need to ‘man up’ and etc.

Some of the women who read that post got a little huffy about it, but I stand by my original point: Women love taking care of their sick sons but hate taking care of their sick husbands. And they don’t realize they’re the problem.

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The Parents’ Passive-Aggressive Holiday Gift Guide

The Parents’ Passive-Aggressive Holiday Gift Guide

As you know, I have a son. He’s three years old and I love him to death. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me that I occasionally wish had never happened to me.

This Christmas is the first time he really, truly gets it, to the point that he actively flips through circulars and points at the toys he wants added to his list (two years ago I wrote about the gifts he won’t be getting). We’re going to give him a good Christmas, and he’ll get more than he needs, much more than he deserves, and nowhere near as much as he wants.

All I want in return is a smile and some laughter and a lot less screaming. And, because I’m petty and small, I wouldn’t mind if he experienced a little bit of the frustration that the holiday season brings me.

With that in mind, I put together a list of items you can get for your young children that will give you as much joy as Christmas gives them by giving them as much aggravation as your kids sometimes give you.

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Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

Is “Dadholes” Bad for Dads?

I guess I’m not the same as most dads. Or most dad-bloggers.

I’m a member of the Facebook Dadbloggers community (come and join us!), and through it I’ve met a lot of great dads, some with blogs big, some with blogs small, some with no blogs at all! (Seriously. There’s a guy.) I get along with all of them, give or take, but I’m not the most vocal member of the group.

I think that’s because my sensibility is a little bit different. For example, I enjoyed the following video.

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Zombie Post: To Air is Human

Zombie Post: To Air is Human

For many people, the holidays mean travel, and we’re among those people. But whereas we used to take an easy train to visit family, now we’re forced to choose between a long drive or a short flight. With a toddler in tow. Nobody really likes flying these days because it’s such a hassle. Even shortRead more about Zombie Post: To Air is Human[…]
