Dream Cheater

Dream Cheater

I recently read Keith Richards’s autobiography. I read it to learn more about the recording of some of his band’s seminal albums, and about how he survived doing so many drugs but it got me thinking about what I would do if my son decided to he wanted to be an axman. While describing his childhood, Keith never really discusses what his parents thought of his choice of career, making it seem like they were just bystanders while he chased his dream. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t, maybe he doesn’t remember their names. But it got me thinking.

I don’t yet know what my son’s dreams will be, but I plan to support them as best I can. The thing is, as a parent I’m sure to have a different perspective on his life and his dreams than he does. Mostly because, by virtue of being older and having lived more life, I have some perspective – which can be both valuable and damaging, and he doesn’t – which can also be both valuable and damaging. The young and the old less-young usually disagree on where the value lies.

This is a source of conflict.

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Contest: Dad Jokes with Laffy Taffy!

Contest: Dad Jokes with Laffy Taffy!

Disclaimer: I’ve partnered with Laffy Taffy known for its deliciously stretchy, fruity flavored taffy with whimsical jokes on every wrapper to promote the Dad Joke program but all terrible jokes are my own.

There are a lot of things I want to pass down to my kids. Nothing practical, of course (we don’t do that here) but the kind of stuff that makes day to day life a little more enjoyable.

An appreciation for music, a love of reading, pop culture trivia, general laziness; the real stuff! The important things. But there’s probably nothing I could pass down that’s as essential to enjoying and surviving life as a sense of humor.

Unfortunately I may have done too good of a job.

Read more about Contest: Dad Jokes with Laffy Taffy!

The World’s Most Stressful Accessory

The World’s Most Stressful Accessory

I don’t think toddlers and dogs are the same thing (except when they kind of are). No one could possibly think that.

For one thing, dogs have fur. For another, dogs can be trained. They’ll actually listen to commands. You can use a leash without getting strange looks and, as mentioned above, your wife can even carry certain kinds of dogs in her purse. You can’t do that with toddlers. But sometimes I wish you could.

Taking toddlers places is stressful AF!

Read more about The World’s Most Stressful Accessory

Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Oh happy day!

My son performed his first successful poop in the potty this morning, and I wanted to share the proud moment with all of my blog readers.

It’s only right that you should experience this along with me, and share in my triumph.

Thanks for making the image on the next page possible!

Read more about Photo: Who Rocks the Potty?

Zombie Post: Love Trumps All, Unfortunately

Zombie Post: Love Trumps All, Unfortunately

Having kids is a constant test. Of your patience, your mettle, your marriage and constantly, your gag reflex. A year ago at this time, my son was hosting Hand, Foot and Mouth disease. It was gross, and we survived. Then he got it again. Shouldn’t there be a limit to unconditional love? This June, heRead more about Zombie Post: Love Trumps All, Unfortunately[…]
