Netflix and Chill

Netflix and Chill

I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty nervous about impending baby number two.

While I’m excited to have a new child to mock for your entertainment, the thought of having to suddenly take care of a helpless baby again is not filling me with joy. The little I remember of the last experience isn’t exactly sunshine and roses.

Lots of late nights, loss of sleep, extra laundry, messy kitchen, the list goes on. But there was one silver lining: I caught up on a lot of my favorite shows!

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1 in One Hundred Million

1 in One Hundred Million

Everybody loves teachers. I mean, not their students, but, ya know. “Everybody” loves teachers!

Teachers are a big part of our lives for a long time, for better or worse, and as a most of us end up loving one or two of them. Sure, we may end up hating all the rest, but by the time we are adults, and finally, truly realize how tough the job actually is, we can’t help but respect them. So when I was given the opportunity to write something about them for the Kronos American Worker Campaign, I jumped at it.

Except when I was watching the “1 in one hundred million” video series, it was a profile about a different job that jumped out at me.

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Married with Children

Married with Children

Today is my wedding anniversary.

This is a big year for Mom and Buried and me. Not necessarily because the eighth anniversary is a milestone, or that our eleventh year together is a milestone. No, it’s a big year because after surviving the newborn/baby/toddler gauntlet, we are about to re-enter the arena.

Something tells me that, come January, when we’re officially “married with children,” we’ll need to be more united than ever.

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