The Gifts That Keep on Giving… Headaches

The Gifts That Keep on Giving… Headaches

As I discussed last week, Christmas is a double-edged sword.

The kid got way too many toys for Christmas and he had way too many toys already. But it’s not always the quantity of toys that is the problem. It’s the quality. Some toys are educational, some are musical, some are harmless and some are the devil.

Every kid has received a gift that immediately becomes the bane of their parents’ existence, for a variety of potential reasons. After a morning spent nursing a headache one of those gifts had given me, I reached out online and asked other parents what one gift they wished their child had never received, and why.

Here were the top three responses, plus one slightly more universal item:

Read more about The Gifts That Keep on Giving… Headaches

Gender Neutral

Gender Neutral

My son is over two years old now, and aside from a very minor trim session (not a double-entendre), he’s never had his hair cut. His hair is quite long and very curly, and as a result, strangers occasionally mistake him for a girl.

The first ten times it happened, I was annoyed. But eventually it got me thinking:

Would my son make a good-looking girl? Would my life be different if I had a daughter instead of a son?

Read more about Gender Neutral

Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 2

Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 2

My legion of advice seekers is growing.

Last week I needed to make up two questions. This week I got one real question and one piece of hatemail, which I am treating as a real question because I need this. I NEED THIS.

(Submit your questions here.)

Read more about Take This Under Advisement, Jerkweed! – Vol. 2
