By the Power of Skullcandy

Disclaimer: I partnered with Best Buy and Skullcandy to promote their headphones, but all opinions and whining about my kids are my own.

Almost every time my wife is on the hook to get me a gift – my birthday, Christmas, our anniversary – she gets me headphones. Over the course of our relationship, I must have gotten a dozen new pairs of headphones. Over the ear, noise-canceling, waterproof, a bluetooth necklace pair; I’ve been gifted them all.

I’m not complaining. I love getting new headphones. I’m always on the lookout for the next best pair. This Father’s Day, I did not get new headphones. Because I didn’t need them.

I have Skullcandy’s Push True Wireless In-Ear Headphones.

I’m always listening to music, or to a podcast, or just wearing my headphones so people don’t talk to me (people = my kids). Because music is so a big part of my life – I literally won’t walk to the corner and back without it – I use my headphones a lot.

I’m always willing to give a new pair a shot.

I hadn’t really tried any wireless sets, partially because I don’t want to give Apple any more money and partially because I worry they’ll fall out and someone (i.e., my kids) will seize the moment and start a conversation.

Turns out I needn’t have worried, at least not about the new Skullcandy’s.

They are black, and sleek, and adhere firmly to your ears without a need for one of those weird rubber wrap-around straps (those are like Croakies for headphones. Do you know what Croakies are? I lived in the south for a little while and I learned. Let’s just say that Croakies are one of the reasons I left the south…). They have multiple colors, but I like the black. It stands out less than the bright white earbuds you’re used to seeing, so you look like less of an Apple bandwagoner, which is always a plus.

These Skullcandy’s don’t need ear Croakies because they have Secure FitFin gel ear tips that keeps them snug inside your ear, even when you’re running away from your kids because they’re being so annoying.

The best news? When they’ve been fully charged inside the cool little charging case, they last 12 hours! So as long as I have a little water and my phone, I can hide in the crawlspace until my kids are in bed, with no fear of the battery running out in the middle of listening to my own podcast (somebody has to listen to it!)

You can even make phone calls if you have to, which I don’t recommend because making phone calls is a nightmare, especially with kids around. But sometimes they’re necessary, and it’s nice to be able to answer and hangup with a push of a button in your ear. It sort of makes me feel like I’m in the Secret Service!

You can get the Skullcandy Push True Wireless In-Ear Headphones at Best Buy! Tell them I sent you! (Don’t actually do that, no one knows who I am and you’ll just look stupid.)

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