Sleep Impositions

As parents, we strive to give our children everything.

Unfortunately, sometimes they take too much. Especially when it comes to bed space.

Last week, we moved into a new apartment, and Detective Munch acquired both a new bedroom and a new bed. Understandably, since he’s only five, he’s been a little skittish about sleeping in his new bed in his new room in our new apartment. (To be fair, I’m almost 40 and I’m a little skittish about the new place too, although my nerves mostly relate to the electric bill.) As we all adjust to our new home, Mom and Buried and I have allowed him to sleep with us a few times.

Obviously, as anyone who’s attempted co-sleeping before already knows, my son has been the only one actually sleeping. I mean, we were basically kicked out of bed. Unless we didn’t mind being kicked in the face and in the stomach and in the crotch.

For today’s Wordless Wednesday, I offer you evidence of one of my son’s many sleep impositions.

toddlered, co-sleeping, bed, parenting, parenthood, dad and buried, mommy bloggers, wordless wednesday, dad bloggers, moms, dads, kids, toddlers, children, family, tired, exhausted, fatherhood, motherhood, photo

You may have seen this position in the How to Be a Dad crew’s hilarious “Guide to Baby Sleep Positions” book. They got it right. H is definitely for hell.

But the book here!

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  1. Pingback: The Longest Day - Dad and Buried

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