Winter Break

Winter Break

Sometimes you just need a change of scenery.

After the year from hell, with everyone stuck at home 24/7/365, with limited entertainment options aside from the TV and our phones, escaping the four walls within which we’ve all been spending almost all of our time was more crucial than ever. Especially in the middle of winter when fresh air is less appealing than usual.

So last month, when my kids’ winter break hit, we got out of dodge. In a Chevy.

Read more about Winter Break

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dad and Buried

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dad and Buried

Ever wonder if I’m gonna have another kid? (Please.) How I deal with tantrums? (Not well.) What I miss most about my pre-fatherhood life? (Everything!) Well you’re in luck!

In the latest episode of the Dad and Buried Podcast – our 30th, because somehow we’ve been doing this for more than half a year already – my co-host Pete and I answered a ton of questions from listeners. We talked about the first time we met each other, what we’d be doing if we didn’t have kids, our favorite movies, music, and books, I even ranted a bit about Superman, as I’ve been known to do.

Read more about Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dad and Buried

Podcast Episode: Father’s Day

Podcast Episode: Father’s Day

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but this Sunday is Father’s Day. Yeah, dads get a day too, I’m as weirded out as you are.

But we are parents too, after all, some might even say equal partners in this whole debacle. Not me though. You can stuff your parenting equality in a sack! I want no part of it. I am plenty satisfied with my low bar, thank you very much.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t really care about Father’s Day. But I may be alone on this one. Read more about Podcast Episode: Father’s Day

The Great Pet Moms Controversy

The Great Pet Moms Controversy

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you may have noticed a bit of a controversy last week, just before Mother’s Day.

I posted a meme that generated some passionate responses, and for once it wasn’t about Trump or gun control or vaccinating your kids.

This was about pet moms – more specifically, why they’re not actually moms.

Read more about The Great Pet Moms Controversy

Who Has It Worse? Everyone!

Who Has It Worse? Everyone!

No matter what kind of parent you are, you struggle. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, a go-to-the-office parent, even a work from homer, raising kids is difficult and exhausting.

But each kind of parent has their own challenges, and on the latest episode of the Dad and Buried podcast, Pete and I chatted about all the different ones we face. With help from your comments (follow my Instagram stories to answer my topic-related questions and have your name called out!), we got into it. I’ve been a stay-at-home dad, it was not for me. But working parents don’t have it easy either.

Read more about Who Has It Worse? Everyone!
