Not My Kid, Not My Problem

Not My Kid, Not My Problem

Large groups of toddlers make me very uncomfortable. Simply surviving the tornado that is my own (almost) two-year-old is a daily workout. When there is a group of these creatures underfoot, my blood pressure goes through the roof.

I’ve written about the struggles of keeping my son in check when visiting a friend’s home, but today’s post is not about my kid; it’s about everyone else’s.

My kid gives me enough stress. If it’s not my kid? It’s not my problem.

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Girls Can Be Geeks

Girls Can Be Geeks

The other day when I went to pick my son up from daycare, I saw a little girl in his class wearing a super-cool Wonder Woman dress. It wasn’t a Wonder Woman costume; it was a dress emblazoned with a drawing of Wonder Woman. And it was awesome.

I’ve written before about how much I like superheroes and that I want my son to grow up liking them too. Which I think will probably happen.

But what if I had a daughter? When I was a kid, the likelihood of a little girl liking superheroes wasn’t great. But I wasn’t a kid in this day and age. Girls can be geeks too!

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Accepting the Reality of Fatherhood

Accepting the Reality of Fatherhood

Almost as soon as I had my son, my life became subsumed by his existence.

I put up a strong front on this blog – my kid won’t change me! I’m still a bad-ass rock star (I’m from Connecticut) – but fatherhood has changed me, has changed my life, has changed my priorities. Which is fine; to be a good dad, some of that has to happen.

I thought I’d at least been doing okay holding on to my personality. And then I started referring to myself as “Daddy.”

Game over.

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Parenting Advice From The Childless

Parenting Advice From The Childless

No one wants my parenting advice. But like just about everyone else, I won’t stop giving it. The difference is, where most people celebrate their “expertise,” I revel in my ignorance.

I’ve had an advice section for a few weeks now, a page where I can field your question, queries, queests about how to best raise your kids. The difference between me and most advice columnists is that I don’t pretend to be an authority; I admit I don’t know shit about parenting. But at least I actually have a kid.

Those people that don’t even have kids but insist on telling you how to handle yours? Wow.

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