Is Honesty the Best Policy?

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

When it comes to your kids, is it wrong to be too honest?

I ask this only partially as someone who writes a blog about having a kid. Both “partially” because no one needs a blog to publicize what they’re feeling – especially today, with twitter feeds and facebook and spray paint – and “partially” because while I write about things that are really happening in my life, I certainly don’t write about them with a straight-face.

Read more about Is Honesty the Best Policy?

Superman Was a Father Too!

Superman Was a Father Too!

He had a kid, once. It was a few years ago, in Bryan Singer’s inert flick, and everyone involved has surely forgotten it by now. Or at least tried to.

But I found myself thinking about it over the weekend, thanks to some news about the upcoming Superman flick, and a need to shoehorn my take on that news – and other Superman-related thoughts – into a blog about that’s primarily about being a father…

Read more about Superman Was a Father Too!

Matter of Perspective

Matter of Perspective

My life has changed immeasurably since I had my first (only?) child in September. I’ve spent a fair amount of time detailing how I’ve had to make sacrifices, how my free time has dwindled, where my money goes, etc. But I knew all that was coming.

What I didn’t expect was to have the way I view the world altered as much as it’s been. I just don’t see things the same way as a father as I did when I was childless. For better and worse.

Click below and together we can take a look at how my outlook on things has (or hasn’t) changed!

Read more about Matter of Perspective
