My Son Does a Mean “Charlton Heston”
Santa brought my son a new toy, called a Winkel. I think he likes it. “Sure, pinko, you can have my Winkel. WHEN YOU PRY IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS.” Happy Holidays!
Santa brought my son a new toy, called a Winkel. I think he likes it. “Sure, pinko, you can have my Winkel. WHEN YOU PRY IT FROM MY COLD, DEAD HANDS.” Happy Holidays!
The other night, I went out to dinner with some coworkers. We had a lovely time – discussing company policy, getting to know our colleagues in other divisions, eating a fine Italian meal and sharing 15-25 bottles of expensive Italian wine. All on somebody else’s dime. It was a lot of fun.
I ended up getting home at about 1am, pretty decently smashed, and crawled into bed beside my wife.
Read more about The Hang(NEVER)Over …
Kid’s not even born and he already has a lot to answer for.
I am not a religious man. I certainly don’t believe that a literal Adam and a literal Eve were chilling in a literal garden when a literal snake offered them literal fruit from the literal Tree of Knowledge.
But after sitting vigil during my wife’s labor and delivery, I am coming around to the idea of Original Sin.
On the eve of my son’s birth, I’ve been thinking a lot about my parenting style, and which lessons I want to impart to my heir. Basically, WWCTD: What Would Coach Taylor Do?
There are a lot of horrible children out there, and most of the blame obviously lies with videogames and Marilyn Manson and Avatar-related depression. But some of it lies with their parents. I am not going to be one of those parents whose kid is a loser. My son is going to dominate. But he can’t do it on his own, so I’ve come up with a list of ten values that will serve as a guideline for him as he grows up.
To make sure he toes the line and doesn’t defy me, I’ve included a video counterpoint with each lesson on the list. That way, should he feel himself straying, he’ll be able to recognize the signs. Check out the list after the jump.
It’s a real concern, isn’t it? Having a kid that you can’t stand?
A few disclaimers: I’m not talking about hating having a kid; there is a lot that comes with parenting that is just not fun, but that doesn’t mean you hate the kid because of it. Until the kid gets a personality, he’s not really hate-able as a person. He’s hate-able as an entity – nobody likes a crying, fussy, messy baby – but that’s not what I’m talking about.
It’s another thing if your kid doesn’t share your interests; that’s normal, especially once he becomes a teenager. But that’s not what I’m talking about either.
Find out what I mean, after the jump.
Read more about What If I Hate My Kid? …