They All Look the Same To Me

They All Look the Same To Me

So we recently booked a trip to Ireland, the wife and I.

And we’re bringing the baby.

Calm down. I said calm down! Unless you’re booked on the same flights we’re on, I don’t want to hear any whining. I do want to hear any tips you might have about stuff to do in Ireland and your advice on traveling with an infant, so long as it’s not just “don’t.”

Planning a trip is hard enough without the parenting police chiming in. Planning a trip requires a lot of…planning. And even more when you’re dragging and infant along.

Including securing the proper documentation…

Read more about They All Look the Same To Me

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

Is Honesty the Best Policy?

When it comes to your kids, is it wrong to be too honest?

I ask this only partially as someone who writes a blog about having a kid. Both “partially” because no one needs a blog to publicize what they’re feeling – especially today, with twitter feeds and facebook and spray paint – and “partially” because while I write about things that are really happening in my life, I certainly don’t write about them with a straight-face.

Read more about Is Honesty the Best Policy?

The Only Child Conundrum, Part 2: Is It Selfish to Have Just One?

The Only Child Conundrum, Part 2: Is It Selfish to Have Just One?

Part 1 of the Only Child Condundrum dealt with the impact that having just one kid might have on that kid.

For Part 2, let’s forget about my son and his infinite potential for disappointing me for a minute. Instead, let’s talk about how having more than one kid might affect me and my wife.

Read more about The Only Child Conundrum, Part 2: Is It Selfish to Have Just One?

The Only Child Conundrum, Part 1: Just One Kid Is Alright. Right?

The Only Child Conundrum, Part 1: Just One Kid Is Alright. Right?

I have a friend who is due to have his second kid any day now. I have several other friends who already have two kids, and another friend who is actively gunning for a third.

All this while my wife and I are sitting here, kinda-sorta feeling okay with just the one.

But is that okay with everyone else? More importantly, is it okay for our son? It’s the only child conundrum!

Read more about The Only Child Conundrum, Part 1: Just One Kid Is Alright. Right?
