Repetition Breeds Contempt

Repetition Breeds Contempt

Having children gives you the opportunity to appreciate anew all the wonderful stuff you take for granted when you become an adult, the classic children’s books and films and cartoons you grew up with are part of that.

Lately I’ve been discovering that sometimes the reverse happens, and your children actually make you hate the things you once loved.

Repetition breeds contempt.

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Terrible Tips for Flying with Kids

Terrible Tips for Flying with Kids

On Tuesday, the Huffington Post shared an article called “9 Things Kids Can Play With In-flight That Don’t Involve Technology” and I’m still laughing at this list.

I’ve read a lot of stupid things in my life, many of them on this very blog. But I’m not sure I’ve read anything quite this delusional lately. (And I once compared my son to a bird!)

I may not truck with parents apologizing for flying with kids, but I would never willfully abuse my fellow passengers. Which is essentially what these suggestions boil down to.

Read more about Terrible Tips for Flying with Kids

Father’s Day Giveaway: myCharge Prize Pack

Father’s Day Giveaway: myCharge Prize Pack

Mom and Buried thinks I use my iPhone too much. She’s probably right.

But when you’re managing a social media empire, you need to keep your constituents happy! Where else can my Twitter and Facebook (and Instagram!) followers turn when they want to read about someone who hates their kid?

I promise to stick around as long as you’ll have me. Especially now that I got a new portable phone charger! Do you want one?

Read more about Father’s Day Giveaway: myCharge Prize Pack

Tinder for Parents

Tinder for Parents

Back when I was single, the internet barely existed.

Social media certainly wasn’t a thing yet; I graduated college before Facebook even launched. And online dating? It was something only the most desperate, undesirable people did to find love.

The fact that I met Mom and Buried through the internet used to inspire chuckles. If it happened today, no one would even blink. Of course, today, if I were looking for someone via an online service, it wouldn’t be for a romantic dinner. It would be for some parenting backup!

I wonder what Tinder for parents would look like?

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Parenting While Distracted

Parenting While Distracted

Yesterday, I spent almost 90 minutes at the playground with my son, watching as he raced around with friends old and new, pretending to be a superhero, playing impromptu games of tag, and participating in climbing competitions and slide-caravans.

He knew I was there, and occasionally sought me out if there was a conflict or he wanted a drink, but otherwise he didn’t need me much.

So I scrolled Twitter and checked Facebook and sent a few emails and texts.

Does parenting while distracted make me a bad parent?

Read more about Parenting While Distracted
