A Little Recognition Goes a Long Way

A Little Recognition Goes a Long Way

Two years ago, I lost my job. Over that summer, my wife got one. Suddenly, I was home alone with my kids every day.⁣⁣
I was a stay-at-home dad again, a role I didn’t love the first time when I had one two-year-old, and one I wasn’t looking forward to this time around, with two sons.⁣⁣
My fears were realized when it took just two days for me to lose my patience, and I wrote an Instagram post about how ill-suited I was to be at home.

And then a funny thing happened: my wife told me I was doing a great job.⁣⁣

Read more about A Little Recognition Goes a Long Way

100 Episodes!

100 Episodes!

Did you know I have a podcast? I do, it’s called The Dad and Buried Podcast, and much like this blog, and my Instagram, and my Facebook page, and my Twitter, it’s a platform I use to complain about parenting and mock my kids. I started it with my friend Pete, and over the fast few months, Mom and Buried has been joining me as well.

Oh, and we just recorded our 100th episode. Read more about 100 Episodes!

“Supposed To” Doesn’t Exist

“Supposed To” Doesn’t Exist

There’s no such thing as “supposed to.”

Recently, I wrote about @momandburied’s anxiety. One of the things that feeds it is the fear that she’s not doing enough and hasn’t accomplished things she’s “supposed to” have accomplished.

That’s bullshit. Not only is she holding herself to imaginary standards, but many of these expectations were created in a vacuum, before she had kids, before she had multiple sclerosis, before the damn pandemic!

There’s no such thing as “supposed to.”

Read more about “Supposed To” Doesn’t Exist

Winter Break

Winter Break

Sometimes you just need a change of scenery.

After the year from hell, with everyone stuck at home 24/7/365, with limited entertainment options aside from the TV and our phones, escaping the four walls within which we’ve all been spending almost all of our time was more crucial than ever. Especially in the middle of winter when fresh air is less appealing than usual.

So last month, when my kids’ winter break hit, we got out of dodge. In a Chevy.

Read more about Winter Break
